Friday, April 14, 2017

USA Gov: Flag Desecration Post

I agree with you 100% that burning the flag is wrong. It is disgracing our country and everything that it stands for. People burn and desecrate the flag in order to make a point that they do not agree with something that our Country is or isn't doing. In a way, they are protesting and by desecrating the flag are saying they want no part of whatever it is they are protesting. Since it is not illegal to burn the flag there is not much we can do to stop it. While I think it is wrong to desecrate the flag, I do not think that it should be illegal. I do believe, however, that there are better ways of protesting. Instead of desecrating the flag people could participate in a protest, write a letter to their congressperson, or simply make a youtube video telling the whole world how displeased they are with what our country is doing.  USA Gov

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